Gardner Center Trails
The Gardner Center Trails feature approximately 6,900 feet of trails. The site's woodland area, which is comprised of approximately 23 acres, was used for research purposes by foresters and scientists. During construction, employees developed a series of rock-lined trails throughout the woodlands, which still exist.
The trails include Falling Timber - Easy; Gardner Center - Moderate; Longwood - Moderate; Mountain Laurel - Easy to Moderate (due to inclines); Picnic Fire Pit - Easy; Poor Farm - Easy.
List of trees on the trails: American Chestnut; American Holly; Black Cherry; Black Gum; Black Locust; Black Oak; Chestnut Oak; Crabapple; Eastern Hemlock; Eastern White Pine; Hawthorn; Hophornbeam; Mountain Laurel; Northern Red Oak; Poison Ivy; Red Maple; Red Pine; Red Spruce; Rhododendron; Scarlet Oak; Scotch Pine; Shagbark Hickory; Sweet Birch; Yellow Poplar.