Blueberry Hill
Picking season begins Tuesday, June 25.
Open 8am to 1pm.
Price: $2.50 lb. (same as last 4 yrs)
We will not be on a regular schedule for a few
days, as we ease into the season, but do expect
there will be additional picking days this week.
We want to ensure that there are
plenty ripe when we invite you to pick and will
make decisions re: days/hours based on
volume of ripe berries.
Nestled in the rolling hills of Southern West Virginia, Blueberry Hill is the state's
largest u-pick blueberry farm. With 15 acres of Northern Highbush berry bushes
consisting of over 100 well manicured, grass lined plant rows, another 5 acres of
access roads and parking, rest rooms, shaded rest/picnic area, and some of the
freshest mountain air you can imagine.